Monday, June 18, 2007


Music is indeed a form of art. It is considered an art because it has substance, in the sense that you could freely express yourself and that what you express has meaning.

During the Music workshop, we were informed of the Intonation, Showmanship, Dynamics and Tempo. These elements make-up the orchestral performances. The De La Salle Chamber Ensemble started demonstrating the do's and dont's regarding the four elements. And when they started playing, I was really amazed. They rendered us with the classical pieces. And they all performed the pieces well. When listening to classical music, I feel peaceful. My mind just goes blank and I feel light. It is intriguing how those different musical instruments can make changes in how you feel. I believe that this type of music is even stronger than songs. But that also depends on how we perceive things. But that is how it works for me. Classical music seems so pure and powerful.

I remembered the time when Mom was forcing me to take up piano lessons, and also the time when I tried out learning the violin. I also remembered how I participated in other musical events when I was younger. This was when I realized that music really plays a big part in our lives. It was even pointed out to us that classical music can help make your kids smarter. It has also been known to hasten the ripening of certain fruits. Now one would wonder how all of these things work. That just proves how great music is. You could even see everyone hooked on to their mp3 players because music is part of their daily lives. Life without music is life without life at all.

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