Sunday, July 1, 2007

"You made me believe"

Signature lines. That is what we basically talked about in our ArtApre class.

Last Friday, Ms. Castro gave us an activity regarding what movie made the biggest impact in our lives. That may seem a simple question but it really isn't. We all have watched lots and lots of movies of different genres. And we all have our favorites per classification. So answering this particular question is a bit of a challenge. Many movies ran across my mind. From horror to sci-fi, sci-fi to action, and action to comedy.

But honestly, the most recent movie that had affected me is "Spider-Man 3". Ms. Castro also told us that basically, we like a particular movie because we can relate to it. We may have felt what the characters are experiencing in the different scenes in the movie. The line in which I was struck is when Peter Parker said in the ending, in Harry's funeral, "We always have a choice." That very simple line all made sense to me, and it somehow answered some of the thoughts that have been bugging me during summer, when I was dreading our Filipsy fieldwork. During that time, I was on the verge of giving up because no matter how hard we tried to perform out PTT, we just can't seem to do it right. And that line of Peter's, "We always have a choice", really woke me up to reality. That all that is happening around is in one way or another influenced by our own actions. So somehow, we fail because we chose to fail. If you just have done your best, then you wouldn't fail. So at that time, I made a choice. I chose to fight even if I had to make lots of sacrifices. And of course, that chose that I took was definitely a right thing to do.

So the point is that movies do not only entertain us. We can also learn from them. And things that are wanted to be said does not necessarily mean that you have to do it obviously. Simple lines such as the title of this post or the one that Peter Parker said can do many things to the movie as well as the audience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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